Launch Your Own Insurance Program

Beagle helps you launch and manage your own insurance program. Auto-verify renters insurance policies and offer liability waivers to ensure every unit is protected.

Launch Your Own Insurance& Resident Benefits Programs

Protection that pays. For you and your tenants.

Keep every unit protected, all while improving your bottom line with Beagle.

Properties served
Properties Served
State availability
State Availability
Sign Up rate
Tenant Sign-Up Rate

Guaranteed peace of mind
360° Coverage

Family Benefits
AI Insurance Verification
Insurance programs
AI Insurance Verification

Tenants get a portal to instantly verify any third party insurance policy. PMs will see verification results on their dashboard.

Make sure the tenant name matches the primary insured on the policy

Track policy start and end dates

Ensure that you are added as an interested party on the policy, so you are notified in case of cancellations

PM Waiver Option
PM Waiver Option

If tenants don’t have valid insurance, ensure the unit is protected against tenant caused damages by enrolling your tenant in a waiver program.

The PM gets $100k of liability protection against tenant caused damages

Different protection options available

Save your renters time and money

Fully Hands-Off Experience
Fully Hands-off Experience

Everything is integrated directly on the lease, so there is no extra work for you.

We handle all claims, support, and compliance

Automated monthly billing

Integrations with all property management systems

Modern protection for modern renting

Security Deposit Alternative

Eliminate the Security Deposit Barrier

Help tenants move in with ease by replacing traditional security deposits. Reduce financial hurdles and attract more renters while maintaining full protection.

Fast Payouts for Property Owners

If tenants cause damage at move-out, we reimburse you up to the full deposit amount, ensuring you get paid quickly without hassle.

Increase Tenant Satisfaction

Lowering the move-in costs leads to a more positive rental experience, which can contribute to higher tenant retention and satisfaction.

Protection for our furry friends

Pet Damage

An Alternative or Addition to Pet Deposits and Pet Rent

Instead of managing deposits and pet rent, offer a pet liability waiver program, and get protection against pet damage caused by tenants. We also help screen and rate pets free of charge.

Protect Against Pet Damage

Get up to $1,500 in protection against pet damage. This include damage to carpets, walls, furniture, and more.

Protect Against Dog Bite Liability

Get up to $20,000 of protection for bodily injury caused by a tenant's pet. This includes dog bites.

© 2025 Beagle. All rights reserved.
Nothing on this website is intended to act as a solicitation or offer for the purchase or sale of insurance in the state of Texas.